Duke’s B CRC – The Singaporean Experience R Tan, Lim JF, Ooi BS, Eu KW (Presented poster during SGH ASM 2006)
Management of Geriatric Nephrolithiasis BW Tan, SH Ho, BK Poh, YK Fong, KK Ng, LC Quek, FC Ng (oral presentation during CGH 3rdResearch Forum)
Management of Geriatric Nephrolithiasis BW Tan, SH Ho, BK Poh, YK Fong, KK Ng, LC Quek, FC Ng (oral presentation during SUA ASM 2007)
Prospective Open Label Study of Intravesical Botulinum Toxin For Overactive Bladder symptoms BW Tan, LC Quek (oral presentation during SUA ASM 2007)
Utility of free PSA in the detection of prostate cancer in an Asian Population – prospective study BW Tan, YK Fong, KK Ng, SH Ho, LC Quek, FC Ng (moderated poster presentation during Urofair 2008)
Spontaneous haemorrhage from renal angiomyolipoma presenting as haemoperitoneum BW Tan, KL Toh (oral presentation during 17thFAUA 2009 Vietnam)
Spontaneous haemorrhage from renal angiomyolipoma presenting as haemoperitoneum BW Tan, KL Toh (poster presentation during SIU 2009 Shanghai)
Laparoscopic vs open partial nephrectomy in consecutive patients. A review of our experience. BW Tan, YL Chong (poster presentation during Urofair 2010
Single-site Multi-port Laparoscopic Marsupilization of Renal Cyst. Our initial experience. BW Tan, YL Chong, YM Lee, SJ Chia (poster presentation during Urofair 2010)
Can the pattern of pelvic fracture ascertain the presence of concomitant urethral distraction defect? BW Tan, KL Toh (podium presentation during Urofair 2010)
Can the pattern of pelvic fracture ascertain the presence of concomitant urethral distraction defect? BW Tan, KL Toh (moderated poster during ACU 2010 Taipei)
Primary Squamous Cell Carcinoma Arising Within Bladder Diverticulum Treated with Diverticulectomy BW Tan, SJ Chia (unmoderated poster during Urofair 2012)
Priapism as a presenting complaint of chronic myeloid leukemia S Tang, BW Tan, ZY Liu, SJ Chia (unmoderated poster during Urofair 2012)
Is pre-procedural intramuscular gentamicin superior to oral ciprofloxacin prophylaxis in preventing sepsis after transurethral ultrasound (TRUS) guided biopsy of prostate? JL Kwok, BW Tan, SJ Chong, YL Chong (moderated poster during Urofair 2012)
Robotic-assisted laparoscopic extirpation for small renal tumours and muscle-invasive bladder cancer: early experience at Tan Tock Seng Hospital with da Vinci S platform. N Heah, BW Tan, GY Tan (moderated poster during Urofair 2012)
Single-stage laparoscopic management of impacted proximal large proximal ureteric stone with concomitant multiple renal stones. TW Tan, BW Tan, SJ Chia, KS Png (video poster during Urofair 2013)
Single-stage laparoscopic management of impacted proximal large proximal ureteric stone with concomitant multiple renal stones. TW Tan, BW Tan, SJ Chia, KS Png (video poster during SIU 2013 Vancouver)
Long-term Outcomes and Potential Risk Factors of Artifical Urinary Sphincter Placement for Urinary Incontinence After Radical Prostatectomy: A Single Surgeon, Single Center Experience. VA Sandoval, A Gokce, RBW Tan, WJG Hellstrom (moderated poster 19thAnnual Fall Scientific Meeting of the SMSNA 2013)
Cross-sectional Analysis of Pendulous, Stretched, and Erect Penile Length Measurements in Peyronie’s Disease. R DiBenedetto, T Peak, P Sangkum, RBW Tan, S Sikka, WJG Hellstrom (moderated poster 19thAnnual Fall Scientific Meeting of the SMSNA 2013)
Safety profile of collagenase clostridium histolyticum in the treatment of Peyronie’s disease when penile curvature ≥30° or <30°: two double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled phase 3 studies. WJG Hellstrom, RBW Tan, G Liu, GJ Kaufman, AD Seftel (moderated poster 19thAnnual Fall Scientific Meeting of the SMSNA 2013)
Efficacy of Penile Traction Therapy Among Patients Undergoing Intralesional Interferon Treatment for Peyronie’s Disease. LW Trost, T Peak, R Sangkum, RBW Tan, S Sikka, WJG Hellstrom (moderated poster 19thAnnual Fall Scientific Meeting of the SMSNA 2013)
The Effect of Adjunct Penile Traction Therapy on Curvature, Length, And Circumference in Patients Undergoing Intralesional Injection With Interferon -2b For Peyronie’s Disease. GC Mitchell, RBW Tan, S Sikka, WJG Hellstrom (moderated poster 19thAnnual Fall Scientific Meeting of the SMSNA 2013)
An Objective Evaluation of Viberect (Male Vibrator Device) In Inducing Functional Erection In Comparison To Intracavernosal Vasoactive Injection Using Penile Duplex Doppler Ultrasound Blood Flow Analysis S Sikka, K Kadhum, N Saragusa, R Tan, K Taikarimi, W Hellstrom. (American Society of Andrology, 39thAnnual Meeting 2013)
Time to erectogenic effect of avanafil in a randomized, placebo-controlled trial time to erectogenic effect of avanafil in a randomized, placebo-controlled trial Wayne JG Hellstrom, David Cook, Leroy Jones,Ronny B Tan, Charles H Bowden, Wesley W Day, Chien-Feng Chen (moderated poster AUA Meeting 2014)
Pioglitazone is protective against post-prostatectomy erectile dysfunction. L Aliperti, R Tan, P Sangkum, S Hagan, G Lasker, J Hellstrom, L Trost, S Sikka, W Hellstrom (moderated poster AUA Meeting 2014)
A TGF-β1 based rat model for urethral stricture. P Sangkum, A Gokce, R Tan, S Mandava, M Boulijihad, H Kim, G Lasker, ZA Elmageed, A Boonjindasup, S Sikka, A Abdel-MAgeed, W Hellstrom (moderated poster AUA Meeting 2014)
Intra-corporeal robotic assisted vaso-vasostomy for the management of bilateral vasal obstruction following inguinal herniorrhaphy with mesh, J Wang, L Trost, S Parakattil, R Tan, W Hellstrom (video poster AUA Meeting 2014 with 3rdhonorable mention)
Meaningful change in Peyronie’s disease following treatment with Collagenase Clostridium Histolyticum: results from two large double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled phase 3 studies. Wayne JG Hellstrom, Marc Gittelman, Ronny BW Tan, James P Tursi, Ted Smith, Gregory J Kaufman, Nigel A Jones, Cully C Carson (podium presentation AUA Meeting 2014)
Efficacy of pioglitazone on erection function recovery in a rat model of post-prostatectomy erectile dysfunction in a rat model of post-prostatectomy erectile dysfunction. L Aliperti, R Tan, P Sangkum, S Hagan, G Lasker, J Hellstrom, L Trost, S Sikka, W Hellstrom (moderated poster 16th World Meeting on Sexual Medicine 2014)
Low Intensity Extracoporeal Shockwave Therapy in The Treatment of Erectile Dysfunction: Early Experience at Tan Tock Seng Hospital. NH Heah, JJ Leow, R Tan (moderated poster 14thUrological Association of Asia Congress 2016)
Low Intensity Extracoporeal Shockwave Therapy in the Treatment of Erectile Dysfunction: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Randomized Trials. NH Heah, JJ Leow, R Tan (moderated poster 14thUrological Association of Asia Congress 2016)
Low Intensity Extracoporeal Shockwave Therapy in The Treatment of Erectile Dysfunction: Early Experience at Tan Tock Seng Hospital. NH Heah, JJ Leow, WL Chong, R Tan (unmoderated poster 20thWorld Meeting on Sexual Medicine 2016)
Low Intensity Extracoporeal Shockwave Therapy in the Treatment of Erectile Dysfunction: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Randomized Trials. NH Heah, JJ Leow, WL Chong, R Tan (unmoderated poster 20thWorld Meeting on Sexual Medicine 2016)
The Manual Bladder Washout – “See One, Do One, Teach One” or formalized training – a pilot study. NH Heah, RBW Tan (unmoderated poster Urofair 2017)
Low Intensity Extracoporeal Shockwave Therapy in The Treatment of Erectile Dysfunction: Early Experience at Tan Tock Seng Hospital. NH Heah, JJ Leow, WL Chong, R Tan (unmoderated poster Urofair 2018)
Abstracts/Publications/Book Chapters
Ban-Wei Tan, Khai-Lee Toh. UP-1.014: Spontaneous Bleeding from Renal Angiomyolipoma Presenting with Haemoperitoneum. Urology (2009) 74 (4), Suppl: S175
Ban-Wei Tan, Khai-Lee Toh. Letter to the Editor: Life threatening intraperitoneal hemorrhage with abdominal compartment syndrome: Unusual presentation of renal angiomyolipoma. International Journal of Urology (2010)17:820-821.
Ban-Wei Tan, Gerald Yau Min Tan, Noan-Minh ChauCabazitaxel: a second-generation taxane for metastatic castrate-resistant prostate cancer. Medical Progress (2011) 8 (12): 603-606
Teck Wei Tan, Ban Wei Tan, Sing Joo Chia, Keng Siang Png. VID-25Single-stage laparoscopic management of impacted proximal large proximal ureteric stone with concomitant multiple renal stonesUrology (2013) 82 (3) Suppl: s174.
Eric J Shaw, Gregory C Mitchell, Ronny B Tan, Premsant Sangkum, Wayne JG Hellstrom.The Non-Surgical Treatment of Peyronie’s Disease: 2013 Update. World Journal of Men’s Health (2013) 31(3): 183-192
Teck Wei Tan, Ban Wei Tan, Sing Joo Chia, Keng Siang Png. V41 Single-stage laparoscopic management of impacted proximal ureteric stone with concomitant multiple renal stones. Eur Urol Suppl (2014) 13 (1): eV41.
Suresh Sikka, Sree Mandava, Khulood Kadhum, Nick Saragusa, Ronny Tan, Kambirz Tajkarimi, Wayne Hellstrom. An Objective Evaluation of Viberect (Male Vibrator Device) In Inducing Functional Erection In Comparison To Intracavernosal Vasoactive Injection Using Penile Duplex Doppler Ultrasound Blood Flow Analysis. Andrology (2014), 2(Suppl. 1), 41.
Ronny BW Tan, Premsant Sangkum, Gregory C Mitchell, Wayne JG Hellstrom. Update on Medical Treatment of Peyronie’s Disease. Current Urology Reports (2014) 15(6): 415. doi: 10.1007/s11934-014-0415-4.
Ronny BW Tan, Andre T Guay, Wayne JG Hellstrom. Clinical Use of Aromatase Inhibitors in Adult Males. Sexual Medicine Reviews 2014; 2: 79-90.
Louis Alperti, Ronny Tan, Premsant Sangkum, Sharika Hagan, George Lasker, Joshua Hellstrom, Landon Trost, Suresh Sikka, Wayne Hellstrom. MP47-14 Pioglitazone Is Protective Against Post-Prostatectomy Erectile Dysfunction. The Journal of Urology (2014) 191 (4): e523-e524.
Wayne JG Hellstrom, David Cook, Ronny BW Tan, LeRoy Jones ,Charles H Bowden, Wesley W Day, Chien-Feng Chen. MP48-11 Time to Erectogenic Effect of Avanafil in a Randomized Placebo-controlled Trial. The Journal of Urology (2014)191 (4): e531
Julie Wang, Landon Trost, Sijo Parekattil, Ronny Tan, Wayne Hellstrom.VB-04 Intra-corporeal Robot Assisted Vaso-vasostomy For The Management of Bilateral Vasal Obstruction Following Inguinal Herniorrhaphy With Mesh. The Journal of Urology (2014) 191 (4): e785-e786.
Premsant Sangkum, Ahmet Gokce, Ronny Tan, Sree Harsha Mandava, Mostafa Boulijhad, Hogyoung Kim, George Lasker, Zakaria Abd Elmageed, Wayne Hellstrom. MP13-16A TGF-β1 based rat model for urethral stricture. The Journal of Urology (2014) 191 (4): e181-e182.
Landon Trost, Taylor Peak, Ronny Tan, Suresh Sikka, Wayne JG Hellstrom. PD22-06Efficacy of Penile Traction Therapy Among Patients Undergoing Intralesional Interferon Treatment for Peyronie’s Disease. The Journal of Urology (2014) 191(4): e674.
Wayne JG Hellstrom, Marc Gittleman, Ronny BW Tan, James P Tursi, Ted Smith, Gregory J Kaufman, Nigel A Jones, Culley C Carson. PD22-02 Meaningful Change in Peyronie’s Disease Following Treatment With Collagenase Clostridium Histolyticum: Results from Two Large Double-blind Randomized, Placebo-controlled Phase 3 Studies. The Journal of Urology (2014) 191 (4): e672
Ronny BW Tan, Jonathan L Silberstein, Wayne JG Hellstrom.Testosterone and the Prostate. Sexual Medicine Reviews 2014; 2: 112-120.
Eric Katz, Ronny BW Tan, Wayne JG Hellstrom. Avanafil for erectille dysfunction in elderly and younger adults: differential pharmacology and clinical utility. Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management(2014) 10: 701-711.
Steven D Jones Jr, Ronny BW Tan, Wayne JG Hellstrom. Phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors for stuttering priapism: recent advances. Expert Opinion on Orphan Drugs (2014) 2 (9): 937-946.
Julie C Wang, Landon Trost, Sijo Parekattil, Ronny BW Tan, Wayne JG Hellstrom.Intra-corporeal Robotic-assisted Vaso-vasostomy for the Management of Bilateral Vasal Oostruction Following Inguinal Herniorrhaphy with Mesh. VJPU 2014; 1:018
Taylor Peak, K Kammel, Premsant Sangkum, Ronny BW Tan, Wayne JG Hellstrom. Update on Treatment of Erectile Dysfunction. Reference Module in Biomedical Sciences 2015, Elsevier) doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-801238-3.06062-1
L Aliperti, R Tan, P Sangkum, S Hagan, G Lasker, J Hellstrom, L Trost, S Sikka, W Hellstrom. 169 Efficacy of pioglitazone on erection function recovery in a rat model of post-prostatectomy erectile dysfunction in a rat model of post-prostatectomy erectile dysfunction. J Sex Med 2015;12 (suppl 1): 49.
Sangkum P, Gokce A, Tan RB, Boulijhad M, Kim H, MAndava SH, Saleem SN, Lasker GF, Yafi FA, Abd Elmageed ZY, Moparty K, Sikka SC, Abdel-Mageed AB, Hellstrom WJ. TGF-beta1 induced urethral fibrosis in a rat model. The Journal of Urology 2015 Feb 9. pii: S0022-5347(15)00253-0. doi: 10.1016/j.juro.2015.02.014. (Cited as one of the top papers J Uro 2015 during AUA 2016)
Ronny Tan. Staying Hard After Treatment of Prostate Cancer. Strategies to restore sexual quality of life in men (ISSM Symposium) Proceedings from the 22ndCongress of the World Association For Sexual Helath, Singapore, July 25-28, 2015. J Sex Med 2015; 12 (suppl 5): 294-381.
Marcus Chow, Arianto Yuwono, Ronny Tan. Tumour lysis syndrome: a rare acute presentation of locally advanced testicular cancer – case report and review of literature. Asian Journal of Urology (2015), doi: 10.1016/j.ajur.2015.09.005
Faysal A Yafi, Lawrence Jenkins, Maarten Albersen, Giovanni Corona, Andrea M Isidori, Shari Goldfarb, Mario Maggi, Christian J Nelson, Sharon Parish, Andrea Salonia, Ronny Tan, John P Mulhall, Wayne JG Hellstrom. Erectile Dysfunction. Nature Reviews Disease Primers 2, 16003 (2016). http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/nrdp.2016.3
Weiliang Chong, Ronny B Tan.Injectable therapy for Peyronie’s disease. Trans Androl Urol. 2016 Jun; 5 (3): 310-317.
Nathaniel H Heah, Jeffrey J Leow, Ronny B Tan. C-ADRO-1248. Low intensity extracorporeal shockwave therapy in the treatment of erectile dysfunction: early experience at Tan Tock Seng Hospital. International Journal of Urology (2016) 23 (Suppl.1), 1-142. doi:10.1111/iju.13149.
Nathaniel H Heah, Jeffrey J Leow, Ronny B Tan. C-ADRO-2134. Low intensity extracorporeal shockwave therapy in the treatment of erectile dysfunction: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized trials. International Journal of Urology (2016) 23 (Suppl.1), 1-142. doi:10.1111/iju.13149.
Heah NH, Leow JJ, Chong W, Gruenwald I, Tan RB. Low intensity extracorporeal shockwave therapy in the treatment of erectile dysfunction: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized trials. Journal of Sexual Medicine (2017) 14(Suppl. 1), 1: S64.
Heah NH, Leow JJ, Chong W, Tan RB Low intensity extracorporeal shockwave therapy in the treatment of erectile dysfunction: early experience at Tan Tock Seng Hospital. Journal of Sexual Medicine (2017) 14(Suppl. 1), 1: S85-S86.
Joe KC Lee, Ronny BW Tan, Eric Chung Erectile dysfunction treatment and traditional medicine—can East and West medicine coexist? Transl Androl Urol 2017;6 (1):91-100..
Wayne JG Hellstrom, Ronny BW Tan, Genzhou Liu.Safety Profile of Collagenase Clostridium Histolyticum Stratified by Degree of Penile Curvature in Patients with Peyronie’s Disease. Urology (2017), http://dx.doi.ord/doi: 10.1016/j.urology.2017.05.004.g
Liu Z, Chow MWL, Lua AHA, Tan RBW. Rare isolated synchronous splenic metastasis in a patient with type II papillary renal cell carcinoma. AME Case Rep. 2018 Mar 14;2:9. doi:10.21037/acr.2018.02.01.
Ronny BW Tan, Wayne JG Hellstrom. Vascular Surgery for Erectile Dysfunction, Male Sexual Dysfunction: A Clinical Guide. Edited by Suks Minas, John Mulhall. ISBN 978-1-118-74655-4 - John Wiley & Son.
Invited speaker/moderator at conferences/courses
“Update on Inflatable Penile Implants” Louisiana State Urological Society Meeting 2014 (New Orleans, LA, USA)
“IPP & Plication” Prosthetic Urology Symposium with Extensive Use of Videos 8/10/14 (Sao Paulo, Brazil)
“ED Surgical” Moderated poster chair, 16thWorld Meeting on Sexual Medicine 2014 (Sao Paulo, Brazil)
“PD pharmacotherapy and traction therapy” Round table – Outcomes of Peyronie’s disease treatment, 16thWorld Meeting on Sexual Medicine 2014 (Sao Paulo, Brazil)
Moderator for Live Surgery on inflatable penile prosthesis, 12/03/15 Urofair 2015
“Medical management of Peyronie’s Disease” 11/03/15, 1stISSM-SMHS-SUA Andrology Symposium 2015
“Evolution of the penile implant” Masterclass for Prosthetic Urological Surgery 13/3/15, Urofair 2015
“Approaches to the penile implant” Masterclass for Prosthetic Urological Surgery 13/3/15, Urofair 2015
“The Bent Phallus. The Diagnosis” Certificate Course for Practical Andrology 23/5/15
“Non-surgical treatment of Peyronie’s Disease” Certificate Course for Practical Andrology 23/5/15
“Can erectile dysfunction be prevented? Point-counter point – Pro” Certificate Course for Practical Andrology 24/5/15
“Update on the Penile Prosthesis” Certificate Course for Practical Andrology 24/5/15
“Post-RP penile rehabilitation. Is it really justified? Point-counter point – Con” Certificate Course for Practical Andrology 24/5/15
“Single-incision concurrent placement of IPP and AUS. Is it feasible?” Certificate Course for Practical Andrology 24/5/15
“Is Testosterone the Elixir of Youth?” Certificate Course for Practical Andrology 24/5/15
“The Journey of a Hypogonadal Man from Diagnosis to Management” Testosterone Deficiency Syndrome Workshop 30/5/15
“Staying Hard after treatment of prostate cancer” – Strategies to Restore Sexual Quality of Life in Men. ISSM Symposium during 22ndCongress of World Association for Sexual Health (Singapore) 25/7/15
“The Ups and Downs of Men’s Wellness” Symposium 2: One Day in General Practice. Primary Care Forum 2015, Singapore Health & Biomedical Congress 2015, 3/10/15
“Testosterone Replacement Therapy and Prostate Cancer” Prostate Cancer. SCS-SMA Cancer Education Series 2015, 31/10/15
“Testosterone Deficiency Syndrome – Making Sense of the Controversies” Certificate Course for Practice Andrology 9/4/16
“Ways to Fix Penile Curvatures” Certificate Course for Practice Andrology 10/4/16
“Penile Implants: Still the Gold Standard?” Certificate Course for Practice Andrology 10/4/16
“Cancer Survivorship: Is There Sex Life After That?” Certificate Course for Practice Andrology 10/4/16
“Treatment Options in Men with Sexual Dysfunction Arising From Neural Injury” NSpine Symposium: Sex and the Spine. SpineWeek 2016 16/5/16
“Surgery and Advances in the Treatment of Erectile Dysfunction” Urology Residents Course 2016 18/7/16
“What is the solution for Infected Implants” ISSM-SMHS Andrology Symposium during UAA 2016 (20/7/16)
“Treatment options for male subfertility secondary to ejaculatory dysfunction” Premature Ejaculation Masterclass during UAA 2016 (23/7/16)
“Update on the Treatment of Erectile Dysfunction” Ramathibodi International Academic Conference (RIAC) 2016 (Bangkok, Thailand) 7-9/9/16
“Adverse Effects of Testosterone Therapy: What Should We Be Concerned About?” Ramathibodi International Academic Conference (RIAC) 2016 (Bangkok, Thailand) 7-9/9/16
“Testosterone therapy in aging men: 2016 updates” Welcome Back the Man He Used to Be. Besins Healthcare (Bangkok, Thailand) 7/9/16
“Is the penile implant still the gold standard for treatment of erectile dysfunction?” The Third Global Chinese Andrology and Sexual Medicine Congress (Beijing, China) 22/9/16
“Special lecture 13 - Prevalence and risk factors for metabolic syndrome in Chinese male population” Moderator. 20thWorld Meeting on Sexual Medicine (Beijing, China) 24/9/16
“Androgens” Take Home Messages. . 20thWorld Meeting on Sexual Medicine (Beijing, China) 25/9/16
“Penile rehabilitation” Preceptor. 3rdAsia Pacific Preceptorship in Urology – Advances in Prostate Cancer Management 2016 (Singapore) 18/11/16
“Penile Prosthesis – How I Do It” Preceptor. 3rdAsia Pacific Preceptorship in Urology – Advances in Prostate Cancer Management 2016 (Singapore) 18/11/16
“Management of Post Prostatectomy Sexual Dysfunction” Andrology Plenary, Urofair 2017 (Singapore) 22/4/17
“Male Sexual Dysfunction” Sexuality Awareness Workshop 5thSingapore Rehabilitation Conference 6/9/17
“Management of penile prosthesis complications”16thAsia Pacific Society for Sexual Medicine Meeting 2017 Chiangmai, Thailand 11/10/17 – 13/10/17
Chairman for free paper (oral presentation) 16thAsia Pacific Society for Sexual Medicine Meeting 2017 Chiangmai, Thailand 11/10/17 – 13/10/17
“Low intensity shockwave therapy for erectile dysfunction” 1stVietnamese Society of Sexual Medicine Congress, Vun Thau, Vietnam 24/11/17- 26/11/17
“Penile prosthesis for the Asian Man: 4thWorld Chinese Andrology and Sexual Medicine Symposium. 21stWorld Meeting on Sexual Medicine (Lisbon, Portugal) 28 Feb 2018
“Androgens take home messages: 21stWorld Meeting on Sexual Medicine (Lisbon, Portugal) 3 Mar 2018
Chairman for Masterclass for Andrology during Urofair 2018
“Harvesting a Barren Field. Male Subfertility” SMHS Andrology Course 2018 (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) 27-29 July 2018